NOTES FROM SRI LANKA. (June '02) Click here to return to Table of Contents.
Big smoke fingers wave, "come here, come here..."
Apologies to Captain Beefheart. I'm certain he would have no trouble coming up with a different greeting every week. Bring me my scissors!
things are heating up a bit here at the Cheney Hammer Mill. I don't just mean
that the mid-winter sun is beating down upon us earlier than usual. I'm also
referring to Gung-Ho's subcontracting deal with some military conveyance
manufacturers back in the states. As he has begun to
One would think that Gung-Ho would have relented after we posted that photo last week of my personal robot assistant Marvin as he attempted to stand down one of Gung-Ho's tanks. Sure, he was unsuccessful...but that heroic photo inspired sympathy and solidarity around the world. How can our neighbor ignore such a phenomenal outpouring of opprobrium toward his callous pursuit of cash, already?
such, Marvin has been given the unenviable job of monitoring the activities in
our courtyard. I know what you're thinking; that our friend the scholarly Mitch
Macaphee, third runner-up for the Nobel Prize for interplanetary environmental
engineering (on his authority, of course), did not construct an instrument so
delicately calibrated as Marvin merely to serve as a glorified parking lot
attendant. Yes, that is true. He was supposed
Having said that, I should only add that Marvin is high on our list of potential roadies for our next interplanetary tour, which is now in the planning stages and should take place sometime this summer, concurrent with the extraterrestrial release of our LIVE From Neptune! EP. Our ever implacable label, Hegemonic Records & Worm Farm, Inc., has of course insisted that sFshzenKlyrn be part of our performance roster, even though he does not appear on any of the live takes. That's fine with us, though we're telling the Hegemonic boys it's not...just so we can have something benign to argue about and eventually give in to. (It's kind of like a placebo for them -- they need to give us a pain in the ass about something.)
course, a lot of the initial funding for the tour has to come from us (later
reimbursed by Hegemonic...if they make enough profit). Matt had an idea
on how we could raise some cash, and I think it's a good one. (Better than my
vegetable stand idea, anyway.) It's actually a page out of the Karl Rove
playbook. You've heard about how the Republicans are raising money by
Who knows? With a signature, those prints could rake in the pazoozas for those friendly cyborgs who just want to rule the world. And who are we to try to talk them out of it? Bots rule! Bots rule! The check's in the mail! The check's...
Dubya Trouble. Well, did everyone make it through the Memorial Day weekend all right? No homefront casualties in the glorious War on Everyone? Phew! That's a relief. With all those urgent warnings, I thought for sure there would be trouble.
course, one should take the Administration's dire warnings at face value, in
light of what we now know to be true -- that they're too thick to take
reasonable precautions to prevent attacks even when they have fairly specific
and repeated advisories. Also, we cannot ignore the fact that terror attacks
bring tremendous political benefits to this -- indeed, any -- Administration;
benefits they're more than willing to exploit to a shameful degree to press for
expanded police surveillance powers, bloated military procurement wholly
unrelated to "fighting terror" in any meaningful sense,
Still, this business of playing "red light/yellow light/green light" with Tom Ridge and the boys feels like the cynical manipulation that it most probably is. In New York, of course, we've got the added complication of a governor who's trying to stretch his 9-11 virtuous afterglow into the November election, insisting that people not be afraid to come to the city and risk their lives (if Ridge is to be believed) to watch the tall ships (and spend, spend, spend). So it's back to "Take cover! But...don't be afraid!! But...avoid any major monuments or gatherings! But...keep spending money!!"'ve got to believe they've got our best interests at heart, right?
luv u,
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And a big houndog howdee to thee...
It's raining pusscats and pooches here in Sri Lanka. Looks like the monsoons are starting a little early this year. The courtyard (a. k. a. Gung-Ho's military motor pool) has turned into our own private lake...quite literally a motor "pool," in fact. Old Gung-Ho had better start producing some amphibious vehicles if he ever wants to get them out of the driveway. Or maybe PT boats. It's going to be a wet one!
The fact is, somebody did. Matt tells me that Trevor James Constable has been camping over in the field behind the headquarters for, firing bazooka-like rainmaking rounds from some cloud-seeding device he invented while campaigning for Curtis LeMay. When Matt asked what substance he was using to provoke such torrential and persistent rainfall, Trevor James spoke of a long process of scientific trial and error conducted many years before at a remote outpost in the mountains around San Bernardino, California. Our Reichian friend loaded every known substance into his rainmaking gatling gun -- stone, heavy metals, clay, peanuts, old socks, margarine, playing cards, tarot cards...anything he could think of. Nothing seemed to work.
one morning he was having breakfast beside his prototype rainmaker when he
accidentally poured the entire contents of his bowl of Puffa Puffa Rice into the
barrel of the machine. "Why not?" thought Trevor James -- such was the
stuff of many a technological discovery. He cranked up the
Yummy yummy, a-dig-a-dig-a bowlful! (OOF!) New kind of break-a-fast cereal! (OOF!) Him puff and toast-ed nice! Him call Kellogg's Puffa Puffa Rice!
Yummy yummy, a-dig-a-dig-a bowlful! You catchem a big big flavor! Oceans of energy!
(For a look at the jerky, semi-insulting-to-Polynesians TV ad, click here)
Whether it was the cereal or the exuberance of his rendition of the jingle Trevor James did not know, but within moments the rain began to fall in San Bernardino, dousing the redwoods with precious water. So hard did it rain that Trevor James was compelled to retreat to a higher elevation, landing himself in an alpine village called "The Valley of Enchantment," where residents carried staves and wore lederhosen. But that's another story.
to say, Trevor James' Puffa Puffa Rice rainmaking breakthrough put his services
in fairly high demand the world over. For the next 20 years, he cannoned bowl
after bowl of the stuff into impotent cumulus clouds from Kiwi to Kalamazoo,
traveling with his own Hawaiian musicians to crank out his rendition of the
famous jingle, complete with pedal steel embellishments and interpretive
dancing. Quite early on in his rainmaking career, however, Kellogg's had
discontinued production of the precious
That was in the mid-1970s; since that time, his supply dwindled gradually to the point where he could no longer perform his outstanding alchemy on demand. Rumor has it that he used two of his last dozen boxes of Puffa Puffa Rice on the clouds above our Sri Lankan building site -- thus did he sacrifice to drive the mineral extraction pirates from our adopted ancestral home. Well done, Trevor James!
bandmate sFshzenKlyrn -- who has
signed on to our upcoming interplanetary promotional tour, incidentally --
developed a cloud-seeding
With a hey-nonny-nonny and a nuts to you!
Then, within the next 24 hours, it would begin to rain somewhere on Earth. Uncanny. Let me tell you, friends. We've got a brain trust here in Big Green land like no proto-alternative band ever dreamt of having. Top of the mast, all the way.
Big As Texas. The news from California is that the father of Prop 209 (the anti-affirmative action measure) has put forward another ballot initiative designed (its supporters say) to outlaw racial profiling. But as Nation columnist Patricia Williams has helpfully pointed out, the measure actually outlaws the gathering of the data by which discrimination is commonly documented (with the sole exception of law enforcement, which can cheerfully continue its profiling unimpeded by this new egalitarianism). It's the ideal conservative concept -- eliminate the evidence of a problem, and that problem disappears. Hey presto -- no more racism! Didn't cost a dime -- in fact, we're saving money on all that troublesome research!
should appeal to Dubya and the boys, since they have such a mania about
controlling information. And after all, what percentage is there in compiling
bothersome statistics about people you've just, say, dumped off of welfare?
Isn't that just asking for trouble? If we do nothing, on the other hand,
we can pretend they're living and working like normal suburbanites
Talk about "homeland security" - what greater security can a government ask for? And while Dubya and his fellow clueless conservatives strive to protect us from the tree of knowledge and its bitter fruit, they're tossing around some pretty lame denials about what went wrong in the weeks and months leading up to 9-11 -- stuff that would have put Bill Clinton on the end of a pike (and rightfully so). Dubya himself has served up some equally lame proposals, including one for a Department of Homeland Security (didn't he do something like that already?), offering the kind of bureaucratic solution that big-C conservatives tend to jump all over (Not another federal agency!). But then, he is Dubya, and that makes it okay...even amongst a group of people who used to whine piteously about deficits and big government, but who clearly only care about running everything by any means necessary.
course, conservatives can't win unless they run away from their core beliefs.
That's why welfare reform is all about helping people off of a pernicious
dependency on food and shelter, California's "Racial Privacy
Initiatives" is about ending profiling, and Bush's efforts to use 9-11 as
an excuse to step up domestic espionage and gorge an already bloated military
Another Triumph. Well, even with 160 U.S. Special Forces and thousands of Philippine troops surrounding them, the Abu-Sayyaf guerillas escaped from their redoubt on Basilan island to Mindanao, where a last-ditch rescue raid left two of their hostages -- one an American missionary -- dead. Just another triumph in the "War on Terror," added to our glorious record in Afghanistan, where even Osama bin Laden managed to escape the iron ring of our military, wheeling his kidney dialysis machine in front of him through the mountainous Afghan frontier. And then there's those anthrax terrorists....remember them? Well...forget 'em again.
luv u,
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O-yea, o-yea!
Greetings from down under. No, your friends and colleagues in Big Green have not relocated to the continent/nation of Australia. I meant down under my desk at the Cheney Hammer Mill where I've been all morning, prompted by the plaintive cry of the compound's air raid siren. We're under siege once again!
in spite of our best efforts to convince the world that we are pacifists who
profess non-violence towards the world around us (particularly where those
military types are concerned), we've been place on the target list of at
Why the daily sorties, the persistent night raids? There's a simple answer -- Gung Ho and his cottage industry, tricking out Bradley Fighting Vehicles, souping up second-hand tanks, and -- crucially for those attacking us -- parking the lot of them in our Hammer Mill courtyard. With such an unnatural concentration of military vehicles in so small a space, our humble squat was spotted by one of the many spy satellites that buzz around this unhappy Earth of ours. (I think it may have been the Madagascarian satellite -- the one that orbits 20 feet above the surface of the Earth. John and Mitch Macaphee play a game where they throw a hoop up when it passes over and try to time it so it flies right through. But I digress.)
Anyway, with numerous images of our tank and half-track choked motor pool added to its storage banks, some automated military targeting system chalked us up as a potential threat. And since Dubya and the boys are all about offensive, pre-emptive strategy now, we were immediately placed on the interservice hit list. We may even qualify as one of the 60 nations that support or sponsor terrorism (my first reaction to that policy statement was...there are 60 nations?). They tag-team the bombing raids, so France gets us one night (our "night off," as it were), then the U.S., then Madagascar, then Russia, and so on.
You can actually get quite a lot done from under your desk, I've found (no off-color joke intended)...especially when you've got a mechanical personal assistant like Marvin. When the power went off during one of the air raids, we were using Marvin as a memo delivery service, sending him back and forth with hastily scribbled messages of no particular consequence. We had an informal contest going to see who could write the most dramatically illegible and content-free note before the "all-clear" whistle blew. (John won with a memo scrawled diagonally and seared around the edges.)
Daddy Peacebucks. That thing they call Rumsfeld has been deployed to South Asia, presumably to demonstrate by example how not to avoid perpetual war and how not to bury the nuclear hatchet. (A perfect reverse barometer for lovers of sanity everywhere.) Can it be that his mission is to stand between opposing sides of a conflict his government's (and his own) actions have helped bring to a ferocious boil? Or is he merely encouraging the morally bankrupt leadership of both India and Pakistan to see the distinct political advantages of joining forces in the lucrative "War on Terrorism" -- namely U.S. financial, military, and diplomatic support for any number of abuses wholly unrelated to "terrorism" in any meaningful sense?
There are, of course, strong institutional reasons for this symbiotic relationship. Still, it does come off as a little perverse. I mean, the press never asks Rumsfeld anything of substance at his briefings, and if they quibble over anything, it's always some technical point that could only interest readers of Jane's Defense. Of course, if anyone ever did ask anything that bears on the obvious stupidity of administration policy, that correspondent would not be invited back anytime soon. So every Pentagon briefing is just one softball after another, for which the press corps is subjected to the kind of abuse they so richly deserve.
free ride extends to the entire administration, led by a president who avoids
press conferences like the plague...even when he's guaranteed there'll be no
embarrassing questions about his protection of the Bin Laden
Don't Mess with the AB of C. Toby Keith's ersatz-cowboy ode to neo-fascist tribalism has been dropped from ABC's upcoming (and sure to be glorious) Fourth of July Special, reportedly for being too nasty. Anyone who thinks Toby is being silenced has not sat in my dental hygienist's chair and heard the song played on the radio until foam runs down your neck. It could just be that those network boys decided the song -- aside from being a Charlie Daniels-esque attempt to capitalize on post 9/11 hyperpatriotism -- is just bad music. Which, of course, it is.
luv u,
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Hello, then...(then what?)
Well, you'll be glad to know that sFshzenKlyrn won the pool. The Madagascaran air force was the first to score a direct hit on Marvin's little quick-lunch stand out in the parking lot. Good shootin'!
I write, the siege has officially been lifted and we are no longer under
sustained attack from the combined air forces of a dozen nations (though certain
rogue elements of the Indonesian air force still occasionally drop a
Our sporting little wager centered on the corndog/gyro stand my personal robotic assistant Marvin set up in the parking lot of the Cheney Hammer Mill in hopes that he might pick up a few extra dollars, lire, drachmas, whatever, by attracting lunch hour business from the pilots of the fighter bombers. Marvin actually put quite a bit of effort into this endeavor, and I was duly impressed by its inspired inanity. First he parked all of Gung Ho's humvees in formation to spell out the words "CHEAP LUNCH" in letters readable from 10,000 feet up. Then he rigged Trevor James Constable's orgone generating device to mimic the signal of anti-aircraft radar, so that when he pointed the device at the planes it would quickly draw their attention. That's when Matt, John, sFshzenKlyrn, and I started picking our winners, two bucks a pop. (sFshzenKlyrn picked Madagascar because he liked the "z" in their country's name. Yeah...I know.)
the end of the bombing campaign came a sobering period of reappraisal for all of
us here in Big Green land. We had lost more than a week of planning time in
advance of our new interplanetary tour. Our celebrity endorsement contract had
not been finalized (We still don't know whether our likenesses will appear on
bags of popcorn or boxes of frozen French toast, though we've put together a
proposal for Raisin Bran that has
good thing did come of all this. The mineral extraction company (a subsidiary of
our nefarious label) that had grabbed our lean-to building site has abandoned
their claim, despite evidence of substantial cheese-food deposits. Official
notification of their departure arrived via the usual
So the upshot is that the land is ours, as well as all the processed riches that lay beneath its crispy, crunchy surface. I'm for getting that lean-to up as quickly as possible -- perhaps by our launch date for the upcoming tour. And we can celebrate our good fortune with a big pan of macaroni and cheese made with our own Velveeta deposits from the basement. Mmmm-boy!
The Big One. Is it any coincidence that the accidental White House flyover by a small private plane should happen on the same week as when the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile got pulled over near the Pentagon? And that both should coincide with the near-miss of a soccer field sized asteroid that skimmed by the earth without anyone knowing about it? (As George Carlin would say, "that's not a near miss...that's a near hit!") What does it say about our "defenses" that the only one of the three that was effectively neutralized was the big wiener?
seriously...think about it. If that asteroid had collided with Earth, it would
have caused an explosion similar to that of a large H-bomb. And we
So while we're down here scrambling jets (unsuccessfully) against stray Cessnas, pulling over king-size wieners, and arranging extra-judicial military detention for a Chicago gang member (an American citizen, no less) for engaging in "loose talk" about dirty bombs, a danger equal to the sum of all fears careens by undetected, missing us by 75,000 miles -- a mere hair's breadth in celestial terms. Perhaps we should divert some portion of those 400 billion annual "defense" dollars toward some really existing dangers -- not just passing space rocks, but mundane stuff like health care, food, know, necessary stuff that a lot of people don't have. What greater threat to security is there than that?
(For An) Aye, Sir! After Sharon's spiritual partners in Hamas and elsewhere
finished their grisly attacks this week, the fat man wasted little time in
reprising those bombings with his own high-tech terror machine, collapsing
a building on one young person and lobbing shells into a Jenin marketplace where
three Palestinian children were killed along with one adult. This on top of the
usual daily casualties, humiliations, house demolitions, arrests, etc., etc.,
that characterize the ongoing crime of
Always looking out for his own best interests, Arafat signaled acceptance of the Bantustan deal that Clinton and Barak had tried to ram down his throat two years ago -- one that would confine the Palestinians to several non-contiguous cantons, all cut off from Jerusalem and Gaza. If this is a formula for peace, I'm Martha Raye. (And I'm not Martha Raye.)
Edward Said is right. The time for Palestinian elections is now. Read his terrific column now at the Al-Ahram Weekly web site.
luv u,
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Hold on, thar!
Man, when things start falling into place, it's hard to make them stop! After the trials we've been through, I'm a little unused to good fortune...or even a minimally tolerable level of discomfort. But just look at us now -- no more bombing campaign, no more mining company stripping processed cheese out of our land, and an endorsement contract that doesn't involve wearing animal costumes. (At least, not all the time. We can take them off when we sleep.)
the departure of Hegemonic Total Resource Removal, Inc., for lands more
congenial to their looting, construction has begun in earnest on our
long-delayed lean-to project, replacing the one that was vaporized by
the absence of our original designer, Eric the Architect (off on some kind of
cruise, I believe), we put Marvin, my personal robot assistant, in charge of the
construction detail. Because the trained construction workers departed weeks
ago, Marvin simply hired a regiment of lawn robots -- the
with the occasional delays, Marvin and the bots have made good progress. His
success as a foreman has allowed us to turn our attention to more pressing
matters, like how to get from planet to planet without using a spacecraft.
(We've got Trevor James Constable working on that one.) When the budget figures
got sent down on a flaming pike this week from Hegemonic Records & Worm
Farm, Inc., we noticed there was no line item
What about that honking little saucer we used last time around? Well, sFshzenKlyrn rode off in it one day and came back on "foot" (with his shoes missing, no less). He says he put it down for collateral on an overdue mortgage he's had hanging around his neck for eons, but I think he lost it in a card game. Or pawned it to buy a stack of illicit flapjacks. Either way, it's well out of our reach. Domage.
Like I said earlier, Trevor James may yank us out of this impasse yet with some form of matter transfer device -- something like what those quiet aliens used on Lost In Space. That's if he can find a conscious volunteer for his experiments. Oh, Mar-vin....?
Best Defense. The Israeli military has been hacking away at Hebron and other
municipalities in the West Bank and Gaza, practicing a standard of
"self-defense" that would have made Goebbels green with envy. These
"retaliations" for suicide bombings just happen, by happy coincidence,
actually heard this trash advanced as a serious proposal as recently as this
past week on Bill Moyer's PBS show NOW, by a rabbinical colleague of the
lizard-like Christian right wunderkind Ralph Reed. One wonders what the
reaction would have been had supporters of apartheid South Africa suggested that
its rather inconvenient black population should simply move to any of those
dozens of other black African states. Though Israel, too, is working (in
tandem with its American godfather) on a Bantustan solution, albeit a
substantially meaner one than the South African version, it may yet
As I write, the smoke is still rising, I'm sure, from the rubble of the Palestinian Authority's headquarters in Hebron, detonated by an Israeli explosive charge so powerful that it reportedly threw automobiles up into the air -- no word yet on the fate of the occupants, amongst whom Israel claims there were 15 "wanted men." And so Sharon's US-armed shock troops proceed to dismantle the native forces Israel created in the Oslo agreements to provide for its own security, wasting an untold (and unreported) number of civilians in the process. With at least 700,000 Palestinians under curfew, and all Palestinians in a state of extreme insecurity, Oslo is as dead as any deal can be. (In as much as it was negotiated to prolong the occupation, it's probably well gone.)
the leader of the Free World? Having his ass checked. They're going to shine a
pen light up there to see if they can spot any fragments of
Cheap Advice. Note to terrorists: forget the complicated disguises or costly plastic surgery. Just wear the flag, sing the national anthem, and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. That fools them every time. (Include the "under God" part of the latter, tacked on around the same time the confederate flag was hoisted high to defend southerners against the civil rights movement. Those were the days...)
luv u,