'00) Click
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12/3/2000 Hey
Just thought I'd start practicing the
dialect people the world over will be compelled to employ (on pain of death)
when George II ascends to the throne, his bony finger twitching over that
nuclear button. Sheeww-wee!
Can't say the impending Dubya coronation
has been weighing too heavily on our minds here in Sri Lanka, as we've had a
busy week of our own to sort through. After spending a couple of frigid nights
out in the mutant herb garden, we surrendered to the crack Indonesian riot goons
that our record label,
Hegemonic Records & Worm Farm, Inc., sent over to compel us to sign a
renegotiation of the earthbound marketing plan for our album 2000
Years To Christmas
or "2KY2C".
I know what you're going to say...we copped out, right? Well...just try crawling
around on your belly for forty-eight hours eating nothing but cold cilantro and
bird droppings. Then talk to me about integrity.
Funny thing was, when the
Indonesians marched us in for the "renegotiation" session, as a minor
act of contrition for keeping them waiting, they made us eat a traditional
humiliation salad of -- you guessed it -- cold cilantro and bird droppings.
There's a lesson in this somewhere.
soon as we got through the opening rituals, though, the lawyers for Hegemonic
came up with some pretty interesting marketing proposals. I've already
mentioned the line of synchronized toasters along lower Broadway and the
mid-west "skinhead" tour. They also came up with another gimmick
that's sure to earn 2000
Years To Christmas some
attention. Instead of employing the irritatingly accurate Soundscan system for
tabulating sales of the album, Hegemonic has
gotten its greasy hands on scores of Votomatic machines, and plans to have the
buying public poke holes in punch cards with a stylus to make their purchases.
They've even constructed a fifty-foot tall Votomatic stylus to promote their new
fraud...ahem...I mean, highly accurate purchasing system. Isn't that
clever? (Hegemonic's lawyers assure us that if they place CD's by more
well-known artists near the top of the punch card, this will somehow work
in our favor. I have my doubts, but...what the hey.)
What role did Gerard Depardieu play in
this exchange of views? Well, Gerard has departed for the continent on holiday,
taking all his used subtitles with him. (I'm told he donates them to some school
for the hearing impaired in Monaco.) As for his epic production of Hooked On
Phonics -- that has been shelved for the time being. Pity. Between the
champagne breakfasts and the midnight orgies, I think they'd even gotten to the
point of breaking the seal on the film cans. (All that work....down the drain!)
Looking Residential. Houston, we've
got a food fight! It's amazing what cavemen U.S. politicians can become with
only the gentlest of prompting. In the wake of perhaps the biggest yawn of an
election since...well, since 1996, the world is being treated to the full,
glorious spectacle of gumby democracy. The nation that has lectured the world
about "democracy" (though not always about "one-person,
one-vote," I hasten to add) is on the verge of installing into the White
House a man who (a.) lost the popular vote by about 350,000, and (b.) won the
electoral vote by a razor-thin margin in a state wracked by voting
irregularities and run by his brother. Lookin' good!
course, everybody who's anybody in the States is groping for a solution. There
are plenty of suggestions out there. I think the most elegant one might be
having Florida's legislature vote in the Bush electors so that brother Jeb can
sign Dubya's ticket to Washington. That would comport well with Dubya's own
personal history (Yale on a C average, Harvard on a C average, etc., etc.).
Though Dubya, no doubt, has his own ideas on how this terrible inconvenience
might be set straight.
hard to imagine Al Gore becoming a cause celebre under any circumstances.
The man has a positive gift for at least sounding insincere. And -- of
course -- in all of the progressive-sounding rhetoric he hurriedly adopted in
the national stage of his campaign, he assuredly is insincere. So why
does nearly half the voting public believe him when he says that all the votes
have not been counted? Maybe it's just that a lot of people who were funneled
into voting for Gore (for lack of more attractive Democratic alternatives) know
just how funny elections can be in the states, even when nobody's looking. The
entire U.S. voting process seems like such an after thought -- as if it doesn't
matter for much, unless it's so close that it becomes an issue of contention
between the two major centers of political power. Otherwise, it's acceptable
that the actual vote count is less accurate than many of the major opinion
polls. That's "small-d" democracy for you.
Shit-boy-howdy. Is that the time? Gotta
luv u,
here to return to Table of Contents.
12/10/2000 Hayanana,
That's the anglicized Zenon word for
"hello," by the way. Our erstwhile extraterrestrial sit-in guitarist sFshzenKlyrn
taught us that one. (Like the
French, he's got a different word for everything.)
Things have gotten a
little quieter around the lean-to over the last few days. Our Indonesian
military guests have left us, after convincing us to sign a renegotiated
marketing agreement for 2000
Years To Christmas
with our label,
Hegemonic Records & Worm Farm, Inc. It didn't take much to get our
cooperation...though the thirty-odd windings of rope did make it impossible for
us to use our hands. They just stuck a fountain pen between our teeth, picked us
up bodily, and marked a big "X" on the dotted line. Nothing to
chief negotiator, James Baker III, explained the firm's marketing strategy
to us as the signing ceremony proceeded. Apparently they've pinpointed the
planet where sales of 2000
Years To Christmas
(or "2KY2C")
are the most vigorous -- a lively little orb known as Kaztropharius
137b, somewhere in the neighborhood
of NGC 1850 (see photo). It happens that the atmosphere of Kaztropharius
137b consists mainly of carbon
monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and a trunk load of heavy metals, while its oceans are
concealed beneath a thick layer of crude oil. Now if we can reproduce those
conditions here on earth, so Hegemonic's logic goes, it should bring 2KY2C
sales up to where they ought to be.
Jim Baker said he has a sure-fire plan for making this happen, but wouldn't
elaborate. (He seemed in kind of a hurry. Busy guy.)
Hegemonic boys -- they've got more tricks up their sleeve than Patton
Boggs! No sooner was the ink dry on our contract than they were putting their
next big 2KY2C
publicity stunt in motion. This
time it involved giants. Hegemonic hired a team of professional giants
from Betelgeuse to scramble up the Empire State Building. I'm told those big
boys were some offered pretty attractive incentives for that particular day's
work. (The first one to the top got to eat the antenna.) Talk about an
attention-getter! They had traffic backed up all the way down 34th street, I'm
told. There were even a couple of jokers in bi-planes buzzing in for a closer
look. One of the Betelgeuseans took a few swipes at them, then fell backwards
off the building. It was a pretty dramatic scene. Didn't sell any CD's, but it
sure got people talking!
What's next? God knows.
That well-oiled Hegemonic Records machine is liable to come up with
anything. If you see any evidence of their handiwork, drop us a line at
Maybe if we get enough responses, they'll agree to send someone back here to
untie us.
"Old Five To
Four." Speaking of tied up in knots...the American electoral system is
finally getting the close scrutiny it so richly deserves. And the closer
you look, the uglier it gets. Naturally, the corporate networks are mostly
concerned with the see-saw legal contest between the two mega-sponsored
candidates -- little more than an extension of the (yawn) election
campaign. More remarkable is
the system of uneven and, in some cases, denied access to the polls. Voting
systems that are less accurate than many opinion polls. Minority voters being
turned away. Motor-voter registrations somehow getting flushed down the
canvassing board toilet. And the common practice of excluding ex-felons from the
franchise -- a full 525,000 residing in Florida alone, including 9 percent of
the state's African-American population. Pretty ugly.
It has been entertaining,
at least, to watch Dubya's seemingly inevitable coronation endure repeated
delays. Also fun is watching the Republicans scramble to the federal courts to
intervene in a matter traditionally left to the states...good grief! They seem
more certain than anyone that a hand count will lead to a victory for the
Gorebot, and they'll resort to just about anything to keep that from happening,
including abandoning much of their phony-baloney philosophy, declaring war on
the judiciary, etc.
always seemed likely, it appears to be coming down to a simple vote by the
Supreme Court -- or so it seemed on Saturday. That's good news for Dubya. Even
he can calculate that one in his own favor...if he uses both hands. And the
Gorebot? He'll get another shot...sadly. After four years of glorious gridlock
under Dubya, you'll see an upgraded Gore back on the campaign trail, with
lifelike hair and (more than likely) kung-fu grip. Then another four years of
gridlock. Could be worse.
Gotta go. My head's about
to fall off.
here to return to Table of Contents.
12/17/2000 Happy
birthday, Ludwig...
Yesterday, of course, was the officially
recognized birthday of Ludwig Von Beethoven. And, well...I just thought if any
of his decedents were reading this, know. are you, then?
Good? And that fungus problem...has it spread to the ankle, yet?
I'll bet old Beethoven never had to deal
with some of the bullshit we face on a daily basis. I'm not talking about the appalling
toll this year's rainy season has taken on our reconstituted 37-room
lean-to. No, I'm referring to the peculiar PR gyrations displayed by our label,
Hegemonic Records & Worm Farm, Inc., as it attempts to induce the
general (earthbound) public to purchase our CD 2000
Years To Christmas
(or "2KY2C").
These guys have been all over the map, strategy-wise,
since making us sign that agreement some days ago (see last week's column).
told you about the publicity stunts involving synchronized toasters, 50-ft.
Votomatic styluses, and giants from Betelgeuse.
Well apparently, after Hegemonic's bean counters saw the bill for some of
these events (particularly the one from the deli that brought in lunch for the
Betelgeuseans), they screamed bloody murder and cut the marketing budget to
ribbons. Next thing we know, the PR hacks at Hegemonic are advancing this
talking Christmas ornament as a spokesmodel. I don't mean on a television
commercial. I mean making personal appearances! Not on TV talk
shows --- just standing out on the street! Mind you, we're not talking about an army
of Christmas ornaments. We're talking about one...shrimpy....mutant...elf,
standing on a street corner in Erie, Pa., whispering to passers-by in hopes of
planting a subliminal suggestion that might pay off the next time they stumble
upon 2KY2C
at a music store or while shopping on-line. Fat chance! This...this
is what we spent the better part of two weeks tied up like a pot roast for? This
is what we ate cilantro and bird droppings for?
Well, when we learned of
this outrage, Matt got on the phone to Hegemonic's chief counsel James
Baker III and gave him a piece of all of our minds. He told the Texas
millionaire in no uncertain terms that we wanted a better spokesmodel...something
(or someone) with a little more pizzazz, a little more pop. I was proud of
Matt...though I had to stop him from banging the receiver on the table too many
times. (There's such a thing as going too far.)
fabulous Baker boy told us he would see what he could do. He said that Hegemonic's
operations in Irian Jaya were planning a PR coup in support of Freeport
MacMoran's mining operations on the big island. Apparently, they were planning a
major stunt to help convince the locals that toxic runoff is good for them
(which, of course, it is) and to stop griping about "wholesale destruction
of their homeland" and other trifles. Baker thought there was some
opportunity for "synergy" with our marketing plan. He said we would
ask Hegemonic to bill Big
Green as a cosponsor of the
aerial pyrotechnics, which he said could be altered so as to spell out our flaming letters!
Well, now that we've got
our marketing back on track, we can concentrate on what's really important --
like bailing out the living room. (If this rainy season doesn't let up soon,
we'll be embarking on an impromptu Pacific Rim tour...without a paddle.)
For Everyone. How 'bout that Supreme Court, eh? They really know how to hand
down a split decision. Who would've thought after all that counting (and not
counting) the final vote tally would be 5-4! This is fairly impressive
election fraud even by US standards -- massive voting irregularities (including
thousands of African Americans wrongfully identified as felons and turned away
at the polls), a race too close to call without a hand count, and the nation's
highest court, in essence, deciding that in this one case, an arbitrary deadline
is more important than determining the actual winner (most likely, the Gorebot).
So in the true spirit of compromise, everyone walks away with something. Gore
with victory. Bush with the presidency. Cokie Roberts with closure. Is this a
great country, or what?
As I write, the
presumptive President-Elect is busily making his choices (you can pretend) for
the major jobs in his new administration. These will be the people running the
country for the next four years -- call it a junta, since there will be a
general (Powell) at its head. (Powell, we are frequently reminded, heroically
defeated a third world conscript army by using the full weight of the world's
largest and second largest military machines, aided by several lower ranking
ones, as well.)
course, George II can only dream of the kind of cabinet Ronnie Reagan was
able to assemble for his first term. With foresight and vision, old mother
Reagan put together a group of specialists that, from his perspective, looked
most like America. And thanks to him, many of these dedicated public servants
still stand ready to come to the aid of their country, if called upon. (Though
some -- like Cheney -- still have no pupils in their eyes.)
Enjoy the new golden age.
Talk to you soon.
here to return to Table of Contents.
12/24/2000 Peace
be wit-cha.
Well, well, well. Last week a birthday,
this week an anniversary. For the four or five million people worldwide (perhaps
a slight exaggeration) who've been logging on to
religiously since late last year, today marks the 1-year anniversary of this
ludicrous online column. So pop the cork, humanity! And for those few scattered
human souls who have not been reading NOTES
FROM SRI LANKA religiously each week
since December '99, all is not lost -- there's always our maddeningly meticulous
PAGES archive to peruse.
What's been happening in Big
Green's corner of the globe? Things are pretty quiet, with the
holiday season now upon us. Having finally rid ourselves
of those pesky house guests (Gerard "Subtitles-Galore" Depardieu, Jim
Baker, the Indonesian Army, etc.), we've turned our attention back to what has
always been our primary concern as the world's original dis-corporate pop group
-- keeping an eye on that mutant-run sweatshop in the shadow of the north pole.
I managed to get a snapshot of the operation's kingpin, but thanks to one too
many seasonal doses of Zenite snuff (courtesy of our extra-terrestrial sit-in
guitarist sFshzenKlyrn),
it came out a little strange. Judge for yourself.
Though we haven't received official word
from our label, Hegemonic Records & Worm Farm, Inc., it appears as if
their marketing efforts on behalf of our album 2000
Years To Christmas
(or "2KY2C")
fallen short of expectation, sales-wise. Let's just say they haven't "moved
the needle" with the sensational publicity stunts they've been pulling off
in select markets (mid-town Manhattan, Erie PA, and Irian Jaya). Call it a
hunch, but when I saw them digging out some of our old publicity photos, I knew
things were going badly. While Jim Baker was here, he had his Indonesian
hire-a-thugs take some pub photos of us while we were tied to those stakes. I
think we came out looking a little crispy, having gone through something of an
ordeal over the course of the preceding few days. So with sales drooping, the Hegemonic
boys must have hurriedly replaced them with some shots taken during our
triumphant "Mausoleum" tour of 1990 (Matt sans beard).
last-ditch decision made no noticeable difference in U.S. sales of 2KY2C.
Though there was a slight up tick in the Patagonian market. I attribute this to
the photo change -- not because it made us look better, but because the picture
was taken by world-renown Patagonian photographer and longtime Big
Green friend Leif Zurmuhlen (seen
here lighting a shot for a magazine spread). His credit on a publicity photo
draws an immediate reaction on the part of his many fans around the globe. Leif,
we salute you...your Hegemonic check is in the mail.
The Winning Team. Man, I miss that
'lection show! This drippy post-election cycle is boooorrriiiing! What could be
less riveting than watching George Dubya call roll for his upcoming fraudulent
administration? Talk about lack-of-suspense. Does it surprise anyone that he's
larding his cabinet with high-profile minority conservatives? Not to mention a
predictable legion of white conservatives and Reagan-Bush retreads. Tommy-gun
Thompson for HHS, Ashcroft for AJ, and other hacks. At least with General Powell
heading up the State Department, we'll be keeping those dastardly Grecians in
line. Perhaps even bombing Turkmenistan, if Dubya can find it with both
A lot has been said about Congressional
gridlock because of the closeness of the margin between the two (conservative)
parties, but I'll believe it when I see it. I'm certain that, on issues close to
the reptilian heart of Dubya,
bipartisanship will serve up compromise after poisonous compromise, just as it
did under Clinton. After all -- the same sort of inequitable constitutional
contrivances that allow a popular vote loser to ascend to the Presidency
exaggerate the voting strength of smaller, more conservative states in the U.S.
Senate. Believe me -- Dubya will get a polite hearing in both houses when he
delivers his first state of the union address. Maybe even a salute or two.
Gotta go. Happy anniversary. Keep those
cards, letters, and emails coming. And don't fly over the Vincennes.
luv u,
here to return to Table of Contents.
12/31/2000 Seasonal
merriment be thine,
Wrapping up another year here in old Sri
Lanka -- good riddance, I say. My 2000 sucked big time; and yours? Was it
everything you expected it to be? too.
We did spend a merry week unboxing holiday
gifts from every corner of the galaxy. (Because our records sell so much better
on other planets, the vast majority of our fan mail emanates from beyond the
exosphere.) I have to say, the Betelgeuseans were particularly generous again
this year -- though it's easier for them to give larger gifts, since their
average height is around 150 feet. You think everything's big in Texas,
eh? Well, everything's bigger in Betelgeuse!
readers of this column (sit!...okay, now read!) will recall that
the altitudinous Betelgeuseans were contracted by our label, Hegemonic
Records & Worm Farm, Inc., to carry out some promotional stunts in
support of our album 2000
Years To Christmas
(or "2KY2C")
By way of a courtesy gift for paying them so well, they sent us a little
something we can use in the garden. It is, in fact, the second biggest watering
can anyone has ever seen. The largest, of course, is the one that was contracted
by ex-Mayor Edward Hanna for display in downtown Utica, NY, using $6,000 in HUD
block grant money. That one was so big, they had to put it in the zoo. (They say
you've got to be crazy to live in Utica. Think how crazy you have to be to
become mayor!)
Now, we're not much on
accepting ostentatious gifts. We prefer large bundles of currency, or easily
negotiable precious metals. But these Betelgeuseans are shaming us with their
generosity -- more than that, they're crushing
us! Someone tell them to stop! This year we got the giant watering can because
of some off-hand remark Matt made about hating to use the garden hose on the
baby rubber trees (they may be tall, but they listen!). Last year I made some
comment about wanting to put my hand in the till every time they ring up a copy
of Britney Spears' CD. Next thing I know, this colossal UPS truck pulls up and
drops a 12-story NCR cash register on what was then our house (and what is now a
5-cm thick layer of compacted building materials). When I phoned the Betelgeuseans
to complain, they just snickered at me.
Now, nobody likes a good
joke better than I do. Except perhaps John...and some of his friends. And then
there's Doctor Hump.... Come to think of it, everybody likes a good joke
better than I do. But that's not the point. One of these days, Matt or John or I
will say something about the Anvil Chorus within earshot of a Betelgeusean, and
that'll be the end -- not only for us, but probably for all of our neighbors,
too. So, help us stop the madness. Email your personal plea to the Betelgeuseans
and we'll send them up to that big red star with our compliments. I think I
hear a delivery truck...Hurry!
Team Sports. What
did I say last week about the Dubya cabinet? Well, I take it all back. They're a
swell bunch of folks. Assault...I mean, salt of the earth. Good sports,
every one, and not a bit stuck-up.
such a dramatic change of heart over such a short period of time? Why do you
think? You guessed it -- we've been tapped for important positions in the new
administration. That's right, Dubya has chosen his old interplanetary touring
buddies from Big Green to head up his Select Commission on Extraterrestrial
Phenomena -- the "X-Commission", if you will.'s payback time.
Thanks to his stint with us last summer (see our Tour
Log for more on this), he learned enough about "Juniper" and
those other planets to get himself elected (or near enough, anyway). He was
ready to put the Gorebot to shame with his knowledge of outer space, had the
subject come up at one of their debates.
With our new-found status
as members of the Bush II administration, we were hoping we could convince Dubya
to take on a few more of his old partying
bud...I mean, business associates for key posts at the White House. I think Dr.
Hump would make a stellar Surgeon General, for instance. And it was he who
really took Dubya under his wing while the future President-Select was
struggling with the identities of those pesky inner planets. Besides, Dubya
really needs a good Surgeon General -- he's been looking a bit poorly,
lately. Look at this picture, for Chrissake. Even old Sam Houston looks worried
about him...and he's been dead for ages!
Anyway...have a happy.
We'll hold the fort 'til you get back.
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