NOTES FROM SRI LANKA. (December '04) Click here to return to Table of Contents.
Achtung. Attendez.
Oooh, man! Lumpy mattress. My neck is bent like a freakin' pretzel. (So that's how they bend 'em! They just put the straight pretzels in this bunk for a night, and hey presto.) Just call me Mister Salty. Don't know how that Space Family Robinson™ did it for the better part of three years... of course, they wore velour fatigues on burning hot planets and didn't even break a sweat unless some PA was squirting water on their foreheads.
with our electrifying BTL GOT
HUM Tour 2004 just two weeks away, we're busily
getting into pre-flight condition here at the abandoned Cheney
I'd like to be able to tell you that we're fully rehearsed and ready to tear through our set lists on a moment's notice, but that would just... be... not too.... well, true, actually. What I can tell you is that we've gotten to the all-important stage of actually drawing up some set lists -- a precursor to rehearsal, if you will. Now if I can only find the bloody things. Have you seen them? One was written on the back of a take-out menu from the local vindaloo palace; I think John scrawled another list up the side of a brass fireplace match container. Shouldn't be that hard to spot. As you may have noted, we've got a bit of a paper shortage here. Our local stationery merchant has "shut us off," so to speak, because we've been issuing too many memos and making too many copies. (They're a little strict over there.) Since then, I've been writing on the back of just about everything that doesn't move -- flyers, old promo photographs, napkins, you name it. Pretty soon, we're going to get down to bricks... and that could mean real trouble, since this place is made of 'em. (Ever try to email a brick? Virtually impossible.)
I told Geet O'Reilly about our investment concept, she looked at me like I had
six heads. (I get that a lot from financial people.) So that gave me
(Note to readers: for those of you only interested in my political ravings, start here. For those who only wish to inspect my band-related ravings, get the drift.)
Safe. They're changing cabinet members like light bulbs in the (mostly) evil
city of Washington DC. Tom Ridge will be packing his little crony's travel bag
and headin' out to pasture this winter, his work done. Perhaps more than most
denizens of the Bush regime, Ridge was able to fulfill his promise to the...
ahem... American People and the expectations of this president, who had
initially opposed the creation of the very department Ridge headed. In ensuring
Bush's re-election, Ridge was able to
Speaking of organized panic, it looks like Rumsfeld is staying. No surprise there. The electorate has already demonstrated to the Bush team that performance doesn't matter in this wacky post-9/11 world -- why change horse's asses in midstream? It would be hard to imagine a policy more ill-conceived, malevolent, and disastrous than the invasion of Iraq, and Rumsfeld has been at the very center of this compounded crime of aggression. Since Bush's foreign policy (motto: Yee-haw!) has been implemented mainly through the Pentagon rather than Foggy Bottom, there is hardly a single aspect of this lunacy that cannot be traced back to Rumsfeld and his old Nixon/Ford Administration protégé, Dick Cheney (the vice presidential object). For those of you who have been paying attention to the Abu Ghraib scandal, the missing WMD's (recall that Rummy knew right where to find them), the Halliburton/Bechtel cost-plus scandals, and the general horror of mounting atrocities in this elective war, here's a message for you from the White House: more of the same.
enough, out in all those other countries of the world (at least, many of the
ones we haven't gotten around to invading yet), there appears to be some desire
to hold our leaders accountable for their serial violations of human rights and
international law, even if the American people have been unwilling to do so at
the ballot box. The fact that large protests greet the president practically
everywhere he travels is nothing new. But prior to
How low can you go? Looks like we're going to find out, folks.
luv u,
jp Click here to return to Table of Contents.
Receiving you...
Electrodes to power... turbines to speed... Ignition sequence start. Ion reactor, on! Main gyro assembly, on! "Check Engine" light, on! Cabin pressure control system... cabin pressure control... what the fuck happened to the indicator? Main scanner... missing?! Forward viewing port, opaque?!? For the love a.... Marvin (my personal robot assistant)!!!
I expect too much, but painting over the windows on the spaceship!?!
I mean, I could almost see where he could make an error with little lights and
dials and toggles.... but a 15-foot wide bay window is a little hard to fathom.
(Mitch Macaphee, our mad science advisor, has got legions of his lab assistants
working on it now with razor blades and turpentine.) Sometimes I think Marvin
has been working too hard -- after all, we use him as a general dog's body and
all-around jack-in-office. Small wonder he's starting to get a little fuzzy
around the electrodes. I suppose overwork
is, well... we're just a few days from our lift off -- seven, to be exact -- and
we need every hand on deck, so to speak, no exceptions. Everybody's got a job to
do. Matt's riding the elevator up and down, throwing a little light machine oil
on the glide rail and making sure it will function properly in the uncertain
vortex of deep space. (All right, I confess -- he's just doing it because it's a
fun fun ride.) John White is busily re-magnetizing the robot magnetic lock on
the lower deck; then he plans to do some work on the man-sized tuber's terrarium
(I think he's planning a plant-feeding station on one side. Damned thoughtful.)
Mitch Macaphee is still engrossed in his new-found role as our interior
decorator, ordering new pillowcases for all of our bunks (I hear burlap is big
this year); though he tells me he's working on our fuel consumption ratios in
his head while he stitches the suckers together. Even
What about me? Well... since Matt took the coveted elevator job, I've been handling the unenviable task of confirming all our bookings through the first of the year. Barring some final adjustments and unforeseen interplanetary disasters, this is how it stacks up:
Other dates may be added as we go (or subtracted.. should we have engine trouble or something...)
(Note to readers: for those of you only interested in my political ravings, start here. For those who only wish to inspect my band-related ravings, get the drift.)
It's to be expected, I suppose, that when someone questions a member of the
Bush team in any serious (i.e. non-softball) way, it should be considered news.
After all, that soldier in Kuwait did what the major news media fail to do every
day of the week and twice on Sunday morning: confront Rumsfeld with the obvious.
Naturally, these corporate information peddlers have been trying to make the
soldier the story ever
It does amaze me, however, that these people can get away with this sort of thing. For fuck sake -- they chose when to go to war. If they didn't use part of their massive annual Pentagon budget to provide proper protection for the troops, whose fault is it besides theirs? Even if they never allow another tin foil Humvee to drive over an IED again, those thousands who've been killed and crippled for lack of easily-available armor are wholly down to them. There's no bringing back those lives and limbs -- they're gone forever. But Rummy and Dubya are somehow still with us. (No armor needed on their side of Haifa street.) And they're still running away from any responsibility for what they do. The media is a tremendous help in this regard, contrary to what the whiners on right-wing radio will tell you -- they've kept the ugliness of this war out of sight. (For an unvarnished look at Bush/Rumsfeld's real accomplishments, visit the New England Journal of Medicine site's photo gallery from MASH units in Iraq; also Dahr Jamail's images of Iraqi casualties. Warning: these are awful.)
soldiers assembled to hear Rumsfeld speak must have a good idea what a load of
shit they were being handed. To suggest to these people that armor isn't much
use against the kinds of explosive devices being used by the Iraqi resistance
can't have gone over too well amongst those who've seen friends blown to pieces.
Aside from sheer callousness, it does fit the profile of the modern DOD
bureaucrat who is willing to spend untold
If we can find money for this kind of destabilizing garbage year after year, what's our excuse on the armor plate?
luv u,
jp Click here to return to Table of Contents.
All strapped in? Good. Oxygen supply handy? Good. Never know when you'll need that. How about a Clark bar for the ride? Some Tang? Freeze-dried ice cream? Perhaps a plug of chewin' tobacco? Zenite snuff? Man -- you got some self-control. Maybe we should break out the flapjacks....
we've dotted the last "o" and crossed the last "Q" on our
itinerary for the BTL GOT HUM
TOUR 2004 -- Big Green's
romp through the major satellites of our solar system. Now all that's left to do
is, well, leave the ground and press forward through the blackness to our first
destination -- the tiny Martian moon of Phoebus, where a little trashed-out club
gratified -- yes, gratified -- to tell you that our replica Jupiter 2
spacecraft has been fully restored to "go" condition for flight by a
veritable army of lab assistants mustered by our mad science advisor Mitch
Macaphee. These somewhat underfed looking young people have fueled, provisioned,
and primed our vehicle like pros... to say nothing of the effort they put in to
stripping the gummy layers of latex paint from our instruments and forward viewing port after last week's ill-fated paintjob by Marvin (my personal robot
assistant). Perhaps most remarkable of all, they hand carried the
spacecraft up from its subterranean holding garage to the roof of the mill,
where Mitch has fashioned a reinforced helipad-like surface that will
tour would be a whole lot easier if we could just get all these moons to line up
in a row, one after another, like enormous billiard balls waiting for the cue.
That's why I gave our old friend Trevor James Constable a call. While prior
commitments have kept him from joining us on this excursion, he has agreed to
use his patented orgone generating device to nudge all those natural satellites
into rough alignment with one another. Now mind you, there's only so much Trevor
James can do on that score. But if his marvelous invention can make the dance
of the planets turn a bit more slowly for the next two weeks, that would be
enough. I provided him with a
Back to the countdown. T-minus 20. Marvin's locked into his magnetic pedestal, forestalling any possibility that he might break into an interpretive dance during our ascent. (The team of lab assistants were encouraging him to do so at our send-off party, much to his bewilderment.) T-minus 15. That man-sized tuber switches on his zero-gravity grow light and thumbs through the most recent issue of Dagger. T-minus 10. John and Matt break up the Yahtzee game and strap into their couches. T-minus 5. Mitch Macaphee noodles curiously with a few switches on the main control panel, making every effort to conceal his enormous intelligence. 3 - 2 - 1 .... Phoebus beware!
(Note to readers: for those of you only interested in my political ravings, start here. For those who only wish to inspect my band-related ravings, get the drift.)
Parody. I logged on to the Yahoo site the other day and saw a news headline
that should have had its own laugh track. Something like: Bush
Tells Syria & Iran: Stop Meddling In Iraq. Amazing
that this can be presented as serious news... it's the kind of story that seems
tailor-made for The Daily Show. But this is the news environment in which
we live -- the post Bush election era in which every major organ of the press is
bending over backwards to prove its loyalty to a loyalty-obsessed
administration. Not that that's hugely out of the ordinary, but at least during
the election season (when the press had some political cover from a tepid
opposition party campaign) there were the occasional stories critical of Bush
and company, pusillanimous though they were. Now the fourth estate has
I hate to sound like one of Dubya's speech writers, but this is what happens when you don't hold people accountable for what they do. Even with Iraq in flames and spitting out the bones of our young people in uniform on a daily basis, Bush is free to agitate for the next two (or three) wars on the neocon agenda. Even with millions of people out of work and probably the most upwardly distributed "recovery" in American economic history, Bush is free to talk about lending his considerable skills as a ham-fisted fuck-up to "reforming" (i.e. dismantling) Social Security as a meaningful social benefit. There are no consequences for repeated failure; there is no punishment for consistently malign intent or demonstrably illegal and destructive policies. Dubya assembles an "economic summit" made up exclusively of people who already agree with him, who nod in all the right places, who laugh at his lame quips and ersatz frontier witticisms, and the press treats it like a legitimate exercise instead of the Stalinist sham it truly is. Soon they'll be selling us a gradual privatization of Social Security more oblique, costly, and convoluted than Hillary Clinton's hybrid national health insurance plan of a decade ago, but don't expect the same kind of sustained criticism that sunk that Rube Goldberg creation.
Incidentally, Zell's apparently been judged insane enough to merit his own show on Fox News. Maybe they'll call it "Dueling Democrats."
luv u,
Click here to return to Table of Contents.
Ahoy. Ahoy. Ahoy.
Greetings from Ormfal's zero-gravity bathhouse and spa deep in the methane-rich ocean of Saturn's atmosphere -- just a little west and wewaxation (Fuddatonic pronunciation) for the Big Green entourage after the first leg of our BTL GOT HUM Tour 2004. Picture me in a floating lounge chair with a tropical drink in one paw and a poke of Zenite snuff in the other. That's not what I'm actually doing right now... but picture it, anyway. (In fact, I'm trying to do the New York Times crossword puzzle in Urdu. And failing. Badly.)
along to our next engagement, we encountered some engine trouble in the asteroid
belt between Mars and Jupiter. Our perennial sit-in
two performances on Ganymede were not quite what we had expected, having never
played this rocky little moon before. We thought we'd scored a real coup landing
that civic center gig... only when we got there, it turned out that the Ganymede's
are only about half an inch long and their civic center is about the size of the
old accounting office at the abandoned Cheney Hammer Mill (the center is a 20-ft
diameter roundhouse). The stage? It looked like a cutting board, about 2' X 3'.
This presented a challenge, certainly for us terrestrials. As a sea of tiny Big
Green fans filled the room, Matt and I were perched on our amps, John
Now we're on a brief holiday, stopping for Christmas and Boxing Day here on Saturn before we proceed to Titan and our triumphant return to this, the great "bull" moon of the outer solar system. There ought to be some human size seats at those gigs, so if you think you may be there, let us know and we'll put you on the guest list. (If you don't get through, don't sweat it. We've been posting the man-sized tuber at the door on most of these performances, and he has a history of being pretty liberal when it comes to ticket redemption.) See you there!
(Note to readers: for those of you only interested in my political ravings, start here. For those who only wish to inspect my band-related ravings, get the drift.)
Gifts. The war in Iraq continues to produce nauseating headlines, with last
week's suicide bombing at a mess tent in Mosul and more air strikes and
firefights in Fallujah and elsewhere. The administration's response to this
increasingly ugly enterprise is, in essence, to turn it into a PR stunt. Sending
Rumsfeld to visit wounded soldiers in Iraq is like having Judas Iscariot stop by
at Calvary to see how Jesus is doing. But because old "Rummy" has been
under fire of late for not caring enough about the rank and file, the White
House thought this might be a good opportunity to illustrate what Bush was
babbling about a few days earlier -- that he "knows Rumsfeld's heart"
and can see the anguish in the man's eyes when a missile defense test ends in
failure... I mean, when a young soldier is killed or injured as a result of his
poor leadership. Crank that he is, Rumsfeld just
As during the cold war, there is a widening gap between what the government says and what is obviously true. They say we stand for "democracy" and human rights, and yet their contempt for democracy is palpable and their willingness to use torture is well documented. They say this war was necessary, and yet every justification for it has long since fallen apart, every dire warning now overshadowed by the growing menace of this conflict. They say -- somewhat robotically -- that we are making progress in Iraq, but the only progress appears to be along the road to a failed state torn by civil and sectarian warfare, providing a breeding ground for the next generation of terrorists -- just as our multi-billion dollar project in Afghanistan in the 1980s and '90s produced the 9/11 generation. Like Palestine, Iraq is a running sore, growing more septic with every passing week; a factory for hatred against their occupiers and a training ground for radicalized militants whose attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated.
as the vast majority of Americans sit down to their Christmas tables wholly
unmolested by this war, I can only hope that they take a moment to consider
where Operation Iraq Freedom is headed. And while they're sipping their coffee,
perhaps they can spare a passing thought on the relative wisdom of allowing
Dubya to eviscerate the Social Security retirement system, certainly the most
successful anti-poverty program in
They want us all to think only of ourselves. And in so doing, we will all fuck ourselves, while they line their pockets. Pretty neat, huh?
luv u,