NOTES FROM SRI LANKA. (April '02) Click here to return to Table of Contents.
Woke up to the sound of some kind of Mongoose dispute this morning. Seems it snowed last night (just a dusting) and the little guys were arguing over where to hide their breadfruit to keep it from being ruined by the frost. They appear to have settled on an abandoned air conditioning housing directly above my "bedroom" here in the Cheney Hammer Mill, though some residual disgruntlement is evident in their voices as they stack the fruit ten-high. Christ! When will I get a decent morning's sleep?
I say "we," I of course mean we the human contingent of Big
Green. sFshzenKlyrn,
our guitarist from Zenon, now there's another story entirely! Since
Zenites multiply via a kind of "budding" process similar to that of
Earth's hydra, you might say that our erstwhile cooking show celebrity is kind
of a randy little fucker. Like most luminescent deep space phenomena, this
unstable collection of charged gases is always "on the job," spinning
off little globules of himself every few hours or so, spreading his demon
Sadly, Matt, John and I moving a bit beyond optimum child-bearing age. That old biological clock has been ticking in vain for more than a decade and a half, now. And well, what can I say except that...I have to watch my figure. 'Nuff said.
of weight gain, our Spring Equinox fasting ritual and subsequent potlatch was a
smashing success. People from every corner of the island made the trek for the
second part, at least. (The tomato puree-only fasting part was not nearly as
popular). Like most public functions these days, our feast/party ended up
resembling some kind of colonial harvest festival
think maybe Marvin was a little put out by my request that he participate in
crowd control. He's been going through kind of a difficult phase during the week
since his construction by Mitch Macaphee. Growing pains. He's starting to show
interest in other cyborgs his age -- it's only natural. The other day he brought
home this big bruiser of an android whose bloody
The Blitz. One wonders what prompted the reaction. Was it the fact that the Israelis shot and killed an American citizen out driving with her infant son? Probably not, since that has yet to be reported by anyone other than Democracy Now (our flag-waving hyper-patriotic press, so outraged over the death of Americans on 9/11, appears to have given Sharon the usual free pass). Was it frantic entreaties from our allies, including the co-signatories of the Security Council resolution directing Israel to withdraw (virtually ignored by the U.S. press, in spite of its near uniqueness)?
the cause, the worm turned in Washington on Thursday or so -- that's when my
local Gannett newspaper saw fit to run photos of Israeli troops attacking
unarmed demonstrators (including the brave folks of Ta'ayush).
Not that the shift was dramatic in any way. Dubya spent most of his statement
blaming the Palestinians for the pogrom being perpetrated
Never slow on the uptake, Sharon has stepped up his campaign in the wake of Bush's announcement, cordoning off Nablus and attacking refugee camps with helicopter gunships. (For more on this charming neo-nazi, from his terror raid on Qibya forward, see: )
This is nothing new, of course. Uncritical support for Israel has consistently run through the last seven U.S. administrations, Republican and Democrat. Seldom, however, has malevolent chauvinism been combined with such utter stupidity as with the Dubya gang. I mean, I've come to the astounding conclusion that these people are just a bunch of fucking johnny-one-note blockheads with no concern for anything other than their own political success and the enrichment of their corporate allies. Indeed, that seems to be their sole strategy, making only tactical moves toward anything that might be considered diplomatic internationalism, then pulling a 180 when the circumstances suit them. Their Russia policy is emblematic -- Clintonian neglect until 9/11, then a broad new alliance to secure crucial cooperation for the attack on Afghanistan. Once that is settled (more or less), it's back to breaking the ABM treaty, identifying Russia as a potential nuclear target, and establishing forward bases around their perimeter (a particular favorite of the Russian military).
And it's only year two.
luv u,
jp Click here to return to Table of Contents.
Well, the long-anticipated interstellar release of our live EP -- Big Green LIVE From Neptune! -- has been delayed due to technical problems in the manufacturing process. Such are the dubious fortunes of working with a mega-conglomerate like Hegemonic Records & Worm Farm, Inc. Let's face it, and money don't mix (even if it's bad art and blood money).
To maximize efficiency and control operational costs, Hegemonic devised an odious "just in time" delivery system for our project that involved its being manufactured at an unused tire factory in Sulu (the island, not the Starfleet Commander). While this soaked up some of the label's excess industrial capacity, it was worse than useless where our EP was concerned, since tire manufacturing involves a whole n'other set of tools than CD pressing. I brought this up to the James Baker protégé who was handling our "account" and she said simply that...well...she didn't know how it could work, but she knew it was a good thing. And though I found her explanation convincing, it hardly settled the concerns of my colleagues, who have been eyeing the Zenon release date with particular anticipation. This was going to be our big luminescent splash in the cosmos, and that lousy label of ours blew it. So what else is new?
At first, I thought sFshzenKlyrn might have gone with Matt and Trevor James, but UFO watching is like counting cars to an old nebularian like him. It's more likely that he buggered off to Bahrain for the semi-annual cassava-fest. Or perhaps he evaporated into a cloud of neon mercury-tinged ozone particles (no, wait...that's what he is normally). Though chemical change is not beyond the realm of possibility for our gaseous friend; recall what happened to him in the fallout shelter a year know, when he had too many....flap.....jacks.....(whoa...sorry!) Anyway. sFshzenKlyrn after flapjacks. Like a rock. And big as a house. But then, if he's so big, why can't we find him?
The Scofflaw Army. The Israeli onslaught grinds on into yet another week, and it's clear to the rest of the world that the U.S. is behind this sickening slaughter, even if our leadership "tut-tut's" in public and issues watery calls for restraint and even withdrawal. What doesn't make it to the local newspapers in America is the sale of next-generation U.S. attack helicopters to Israel, now in the works. And though I say "sale," I really mean "gift," since our military aid to that country much more than covers the cost of the hardware. It's worth mentioning that these weapon systems are transferred with the restriction, codified in U.S. law, that they not be used against civilians. But we won't let a little thing like the law get in the way of somebody's good time.
can my fellow Americans still scratch their heads and wonder why so many Middle
Easterners despise us when we turn a blind eye to an Israeli military so wildly
out of control? Can they still feel indignant at anti-US demonstrations when the
IDF is not only killing, looting, and bulldozing their way through whole West
Bank communities, but also destroying property records, legislative archives,
and other legal obstacles to Israel's
Another bomb went off in Jerusalem a couple of days ago. Who can be surprised? After the events of the last two weeks, the average New Yorker should be gritting their teeth pretty hard right now, as well. (I know I am.)
(For more on the ongoing events, check out and look at the "Live From Palestine" entries.)
Presto Change-o. President Chavez is out in Venezuela, compelled to resign by an insistent military, and replaced by a businessman very cozy with the Washington-oriented interests with which Chavez was so very unpopular. Is this the hand of Otto Reich at work? Hmmm...
was no radical. He just wasn't cooperating with the U.S. agenda on
Did Dubya and Bill Casey protégé Otto Reich have a hand in this coup? Don't know. But something sure smells fishy...and it ain't the deli downstairs.
luv u,
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Still here, baby...
With our live EP still lost somewhere in the labyrinthine recesses of Hegemonic Records & Worm Farm, Inc.'s global manufacturing empire, I turned my sights toward finishing the construction of our new lean-to, itself a project of monstrous proportions. I can no longer get Hegemonic to agree on a timetable for our EP release (one that is expressed in days and weeks, rather than months and years), so rather than beat my head against their compound wall, I made my way over to the construction site to kibitz with the hardhats.
Turned out it wasn't true after all. Imagine my embarrassment, having cursed
those construction workers loudly enough for the mongooses to
at the Cheney Hammer Mill, my automatonic personal assistant Marvin was leafing
through catalogs trying to find a chandelier for our new dining room. I asked
him to look up the bathroom fixtures we had ordered -- the ones being retrieved
by the hardhats. Marvin promptly rolled into the kitchen and returned with a
bowl of steamed fiddleheads. (There are still a few bugs in his programming that
Mitch hasn't had the time to iron out.) As distinctly as I was able, I said
"Marvin, I do not want steamed fiddleheads. I want the photo of our
new toilet, please." He
I guess this fascination with so nihilistic a group is a predictable response to his sense of powerlessness and class subordination, and should be viewed as healthy, or at least normal. Still, with the others away, I now find myself looking around corners and leaving way too many lights on. Because, I mean, when you've been captured by robots once already, you can never quite get back to living a normal life again. I'm sure you know what I mean.
Cold War Redux Dept. Can you believe this Venezuela thing? I mean, did I doze off and wake up back in the eighties sometime? What the fuck! Here Chavez opts to go along with the nice machinegun-toting coup leaders to keep them from shooting up the place, and the next thing you know, almost every major newspaper in the developed world is reporting that the man had resigned the presidency. A reporter for the Guardian debunked that with about two phone calls to ministries in the Venezuelan government. Apparently the big lie got picked up pretty fast, with very little in the way of fact-checking at the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and so on.
leader of the US-oriented business consortium massively overplayed his hand
during his one day as Venezuela's new absolute leader, cobbing together the
ultimate in political "one-stop shopping" for US-based
Good old Reagan-style foreign policy, conducted by good old unreconstructed Reagan-era cutthroats like Elliot Abrams, Otto Reich, and John Negroponte. Who says you can't go home again? We're there!
Jenin Carnage. If you want to read about the bloody mess Israel left behind in the squalid Jenin refugee camp on the West Bank, look up Phil Reeve's articles on the London Independent's web site (under the Middle East section) and read back over the last few days' entries on the "Live From Palestine" project at the Electronic Intifada. I'm simply appalled at the fact that this has been done with our support, and I encourage you all to complain loudly to your government representatives. Repeatedly.
luv u,
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Who's that? Don't come any closer, or I'll set the sofa on fire!'s
you. My apologies. I've been confined to this storage room in a strategic corner
of the Cheney Hammer Mill (my "undisclosed location", as it were) for
the better part of a week in anticipation of a kidnapping attempt by associates
of my robotian personal assistant Marvin. After days
As I mentioned last week, Marvin was showing an unhealthy interest in the activities of the band Captured by Robots, which naturally led me to believe that some kind of mechanized mayhem was imminent -- namely the kind we experienced at the aluminum alloy hands of those desperate androids that took us hostage some weeks back. So far no one has made a move. But I'm standing ready with the Zippo lighter I borrowed from Gung Ho, which I will set to the threadbare fabric of this abandoned sofa I've been sleeping on, should there be any sign of trouble. C'mon, robots -- ahm ready!
course, that's only conjecture. By the sound of it, this event they're attending
is not so much a festival as it is a scientific seminar on the
Peacemakers. One hardly need comment on Dubya's idiocy, calling Sharon a "man of peace" (a man both loved and hated because he is, beyond argument, an agent of war and death). More worthy of our attention, perhaps, is the slimy way Dubya's professional assistants (i.e. the people who run the country) regurgitate the Israeli government's PR bilge and repackage it as premium pâté. Their shameful spin on the destruction of Jenin refugee camp is that it was (a.) not a massacre, and that (b.) the IDF did everything possible to minimize (regrettable) civilian casualties, of which they claim there were very few.
Powell (please!). Tel Aviv's line on Arafat is that the onus is on him to stop
the "violence," since -- according to them -- he is behind all of the
suicide bombings. Until Arafat complies, they will hold him hostage in his
powerless, waterless Ramallah compound. In short, classic blackmail. The great
statesman Powell, after letting Israel have their way in West Bank cities
without any serious protest, now opines that Arafat "has to make a
Having taken the side of the aggressor, once again, we can join the chorus of Israeli-led opprobrium when the inevitable attacks occur against the most obvious targets -- like yesterday's shootings at the Israeli settlement at Hebron. I have to think this is just what Sharon wants, because now he can say it's Arafat's fault, and hence, all Palestinians must now pay yet again.
Sharon's attack was, of course, planned out well in advance of the bombings said to be its instigation. The target was every aspect of Palestinian civil society, right down to the level of grade school classrooms. As Edward Gargen reported this week in an excellent article for Newsday:
After a three-week military campaign designed to fight terrorism, according to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Israel has essentially destroyed the ability of Palestinians to run their own affairs. Across the West Bank, not only have schools been wrecked, but so have banks, postal services, hospitals, transportation, law enforcement and basic commerce. [for full text, click here]
One wonders how Powell might explain to 15-year old Sabrine Wadir why the U.S. is paying to have her 8th grade classroom wrecked, her classmates' pictures destroyed, their musical instruments stolen, and obscenities scrawled on the chalkboard. This I'd like to hear.
luv u,